Baltimore Musical Nostalgia and Trivia
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Baltimore Musical Nostalgia and Trivia


Larry Jackson

May, 2005

Recently, I was honored with a visit from Joe Vaccarino. Joe, a very personable guy, is the brain-child of BALTIMORE SOUNDS. For those of you who don't already know, BALTIMORE SOUNDS is a 'must have', 360 page history book of musical entertainment having members from -or spawned in and around- Baltimore, Maryland during the 1950's-1980's!

BALTIMORE SOUNDS covers such national/inter-national Baltimore notables as, Cab Calloway the ORIOLES or Billie Holliday (1950's), the Royaletts (1960's), The Temptations and Miracles (1970's) to 'ladder-climbers' that stopped before reaching the top- like The Chryslers (aka. THE CHRYSLER MOVEMENT PLUS, THE 5 CHRYSLERS, or THE CHRYSLORS).

Yes, I was flattered to see, after nearly 40 years, someone remembered my life in music! Joe sat and began asking questions that I never thought of previously. Joe asked things like, "How/why did the Chryslers have so many variations of their name?"; "What label did you record on?", "What are your singers and bands doing now?"  and more.

I could not get a definitive date or commitment but I believe Joe is compiling a '1-of-a-kind' database of Baltimore 'connected' Sounds for future ventures.

I wanted to present Joe with a recording of the Chryslers. I knew of his upcoming visit a week in advance. Yet, the night of our meeting, I could not locate a single tape or recording of the Chryslers or my later musical adventure with the LONDON FOG singers. I was able to locate a tape of a neighbor's son, who recorded a solo (with band) song during the 1970's. That young man was Wade Brown, and the song was I LOVE EVERY LITTLE THING ABOUT YOU.

If you want to be 'IN' on the musical nostalgia that either originated from Baltimore or shares involvement or members from Baltimore, you have got to get a copy of BALTIMORE SOUNDS by JOE VACCARINO. If you are reading this, then the easiest way to buy it is to go to

At  WWW.BALTIMORESOUNDS.COM,  you can get preview information on the book. You may also, offer information for Joe's database and even buy those nostalgic records you thought never to see again. Joe offers contact information at his website should you find the need to do so.





